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BARCO巴可ClickShare CSE-200无线演示系统


BARCO巴可ClickShare CSE-200无线演示系统

·        用于中小会议室的无线演示系统


      创造性是您组织的核心资产之_。使用Cli ckShare,您可以确保创意得到应有的重 视。用户通过无线演示系统,可以直接在 演示屏幕上分享他们的笔记本电脑或移动 设备上的内容。无需线缆、无需设置、无 需等待、直接加入。




      CSE-200为小型和中型会议室提供ClickShare体验。任何人,包括访客,都可以通过单击操作进行连接和分享,无需任何培训。用户只需将一 个USB供电的装置(ClickShare Button)插入自己的PCMAC,然后单击按钮,即可将他们笔记本电脑 上的内容显示在会议室大屏幕上。使用ClickShare App,用户还可以分享智能手机或平板电脑上的内容。




      CSE-200是为企业新品展示而设计的,提供更出色的安全功能、更广泛 的连接选项(包括针对非HDCP内容的AirPlay支持)及中央管理。CSE-200最多允许两个人同时分享内容,确保与中央屏幕的直接连接性,并鼓 励协作。为方便用户使用,CSE-200的安全功能可设为三个预定义级别 之具体视公司政策和需要而定。最后,设备的API确保轻松集成至公司网络。


Wireless presentation system for small to medium sized meeting rooms


      Creativity is one of the core assets of your organization. With ClickShare, you can make sure ideas receive the attention they deserve. This wireless presentation system allows users to simply share what's on their laptop or mobile device, on the presentation screen. No cables, no set-up, no waiting to join in.


Plug in to stand out


      The CSE-200 offers the ClickShare experience for small and medium-sized meeting rooms. Anyone - including guests - can connect with one click and share right away, without the need for any training. Users simply plug a USB-powered device - the ClickShare Button - into their PC or Mac and click the button to get the content from their laptop on the large meeting room screen. With the ClickShare App, users can also share content from their mobile phones or tablets.


Encouraging collaboration

      The CSE-200 was designed for enterprise rollouts and offers enhanced security features, a wider range of connectivity options - including AirPlay support -and central management. Allowing up to 2 persons to share content simultaneously, the CSE-200 ensures direct connectivity to the central screen and encourages collaboration. For user convenience, security features of the CSE-200 can be set to one of three predefined levels, depending on the company's policies and needs. Last but not least, the device's API also makes integration into the company network a lot easier.

上一篇: 巴可ClickShare可立享CX-50远程协作 无线会议系统 无线投屏
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